Dean of Students
In support of the educational mission, 学生服务部致力透过促进学生的个人成长,促进学生的全面发展, social responsibility, and a sense of community.
2023-24 Student Handbook (pdf) Neighborhood Relations
Dean of Students
In his role as Dean of Students, Dr. 华府支持所有学生的全面和个人成长, 包括向他们灌输galaxy银河娱乐场app意识和社会责任感.
Year in Review
本文件强调了这些对圣. galaxy银河娱乐场app教育经验,通过galaxy银河娱乐场app参与和体验式学习. 学生服务处的多个办公室与大学的各个方面进行合作, 参与学生在课堂内外的学习.
就像去年大学生活的方方面面一样, this work was both challenged and, in some ways, 由于全球大流行病的强制参数而增强. The Student Services team rose to the challenge, 根据这一关键的历史环境,提供无缝的服务和支持.
Read the 2022-23 Student Services Year in Review (pdf)
Learn More
As an institution of higher education, St. galaxy银河娱乐场app致力于全人教育, both in and out of the classroom.
St. galaxy银河娱乐场app希望学生对酒精使用在大学学习中所扮演的角色做出明智的决定. Our policies are established to encourage the safe, healthy, responsible, and legal use of alcohol and other drugs.
大学认真对待酒精和其他药物使用和滥用问题, 因为这些行为会影响一个人在课堂内外取得成功的能力.
Submit a request to check on your student
Team Members
Christopher Waugh, Dean of Students
Robert Christopher, Assistant Dean of Students and Director of Security
Filing A Report
Reports of concerning, but currently non-emergency nature, 可以通过电子邮件或电话联系上述团队成员之一提交. 如果您认为有关某个人的信息是紧急情况,请联系St. galaxy银河娱乐场app安全办公室563-333-6104或立即拨打911.
Report Processing
- Disruptive behavior
- Possession of a weapon
- Conduct violations
- Hostile, violent, or aggressive behaviors
- Alarming references to firearms, bombs, or shootings
- 由仇恨或歧视引起的行为或言论
- Alcohol or drug abuse
- Drastic, unexpected changes in behaviors
- Expressing thoughts of doing harm to self or others
- 出勤或学习成绩有重大变化
希望注册投诉的学生可以致电563-333-6000与圣galaxy银河娱乐场app学术和学生事务副校长联系,或在网上填写学生投诉表格 Accreditation page (在该页滚动到“投诉登记”一节).
St. galaxy银河娱乐场app严格禁止并不会容忍任何性暴力行为.
St. galaxy银河娱乐场app将尊重举报性暴力的人和被指控的学生,并明确他们的权利和选择.
General Election
任何希望在斯科特县投票的选民都可以在St. 在我们特殊的提前投票日期间,无论他们的选区如何.
如果你是住宿学生,这是一个优势,因为, depending on your residence hall on election day, you may or may not be voting here on campus. 如果你是校外学生和斯科特县居民, this also benefits you because you can vote on campus. SAU Campus precinct boundaries (pdf)
Here is a link to the Scott County Auditor's page with information on voting in Scott County. The St. galaxy银河娱乐场app罗加尔斯基中心是一个提前投票的卫星地点.
How do I register to vote?*
- 身份证明(有效驾照、非驾驶人身份证、美国驾照).S. Passport, U.S. 军人身份证,雇主签发的身份证,或爱荷华州高中或大学签发的学生证)
- Proof of your current residence
- 如果你住在校园里,你需要向居住生活(2楼Rogalski中心)要求一份声明,确认你是当前的SAU居民.
- 如果你住在校外,你需要以下证明之一来证明你的居住(如果它包含你的名字和现在的地址), property tax statement, utility bill, bank statement, paycheck, government check, or another government document.
*请注意:登记和投票只能在一个地理位置进行. 学生可以在当地投票,因为他们一年中大部分时间都住在达文波特. Or, 学生亦可选择在其永久住址所在地登记及以缺席投票方式投票.
How do I vote absentee?
如果你想在你的家乡投票而不是在斯科特县, 你需要联系你所在县的选举官员申请缺席选票.
许多缺席选票可以在你所在县的选举网站上找到,如果你已经登记投票,可以邮寄过来. 如果你还没有注册,你可能需要先注册. 每个县和州对于登记投票都有不同的规则和规定.
Get your information early and make your vote count.
Other information on voting in Scott County
你会发现链接到全面的信息 Scott County Auditor's page.
Unbiased, non-partisan information about candidates
Dean of Students Office
Christopher Waugh, Dean of Students
Cathy Cunningham, Administrative Assistant
Christopher Waugh, Dean of Students
Dean of Students
Rogalski Center, 2nd floor
518 W. Locust St.
Davenport, IA 52803